At AcuFast™ genetic populations are selected with a strong focus on realized genetic value. What does that mean? It means our team of geneticists focus on identifying and measuring traits that are not meant to simply have pretty genetic trends at the nucleus. We ensure that genetic potential is continuously increasing and that it is realized in our commercial partners’ production systems.
The AcuFast Vantage is selected for her ability to perform in every stage of production; from the GDU all the way to her offspring in the packing plant. She delivers value in every single trait. When her value is totalled up, we are confident she is the most complete female on the market. She is renowned for her docility, prolificacy, robustness, longevity and the full value pigs she contributes to the market. She was built on the strong foundation of the Fast 276 and we will continue to enhance her through strategic gene and trait additions.